Bissendorf through the centuries

The history of the commune of Bissendorf is a composition of the most different developments of single localities over the course of the centuries. The district of Bissendorf was first mentioned in a historical context in the year 1160. Surrounding the church house, housing emerged and developed up to approx. 2500 residents these days. The church, rebuild at the turn of the century, accomodates numerous art treasures (early Romanesque baptismal font, triumph crucifix from the 13th century, late Gothic carved altar of about 1500).

The development of the district of Holte is characterized by the noble family of Holte. The castle built by the noble lords was destroyed in the year 1147 and has not been rebuild again. Remains of the castle´s ruin have been exposed and can be visited.

The church of Holte, first mentioned in document in the year 1153, is a foundation of the "Lords of Holte", so it used to be an advowsons church. The housing scheme around the church of Holte has been preserved up to today and is referred to as one of the most beautiful examples for church settlement. Around the church group dairy farm, pastorate, old school house, inn. The church settlement has a landmark status.

Schledehausen and the moated castle Schelenburg

are inseparable from each other in their historical development. Already in 1090 the Schelenburg was mentioned in a document. The place Schledehausen with many old half-timbered houses was already in the 20's a much and gladly visited health resort. The churches of the Protestant and Catholic communities dominate in the village. Both churches house interesting art treasures. Schledehausen celebrated its 900th anniversary in 1990.
The Schelenburg, located in the immediate vicinity of the village, is considered the oldest Renaissance building in northern Germany. The oldest part of the Schelenburg is formed by the mighty rectangular gothic tower with more than 2.00 m thick walls. The entire complex rests on oak piles, which are driven into the water-rich underground. The most famous gentleman of Schelenburg at that time was Dr. Ing. theol. Jasper von Schele, a table companion of Martin Luther.

The district of Wissingen, located in the Hasetal, celebrated its 750th anniversary in 1975. The historical development of the other districts in the community Bissendorf is closely linked to the large villages Bissendorf, Schledehausen and Wissingen.